Certified Personal Trainer

Cezary Milewicz is a Certified Personal Trainer, founder of Fire Combat Fitness.
He is a professional Firefighter and has spent 25 years in public safety. He began his career in Poland working as a Fire Captain in Ketrzyn. Currently he serves as career Fire Lieutenant in Connecticut.
He has been involved in Fire Service Wellness & Fitness for over two decades. A Former Wellness Committee Chairman,
and Head Coordinator for Physical Training for his state’s Fire Recruit Program Cezary pioneered a well-balanced and comprehensive Wellness Program within his department and the state. He also has an extensive background in kettlebell training, is IKFF (International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation) certified, IAFF PFT (Peer Fitness Trainer) certified and ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) Strength & Conditioning certified.
Cezary has coached and trained over 1,000 firefighters across Connecticut, the United States and even internationally. His passion for wellness and fitness in the fire service led him to establish Fire Combat Fitness LLC to help future generations to pass the CPAT, physically prepare for Fire Recruit Program and continue to stay in shape throughout the fire service career.
His unique ability as a CPAT Coach allowed many candidates to successfully pass this physically demanding test and achieve their dream job as a firefighter. His custom made CPAT programing training plans have a near 100% passing rate.